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Proposed Selwyn District Plan - What next?

By Anna Bensemann | Sept 10, 2021

After having made your submission to the proposed Selwyn District Plan outlining concerns with changes or lack of changes to zoning, flood risk areas, noise limits, changes to minimum allotment sizes, or changes that enable multi-unit developments on site, - you may be asking what is the next step?

Perhaps you weren’t aware of the proposed plan change which might make changes affecting your land or the enjoyment of your neighborhood? The public participation process in the Selwyn District isn’t over yet.

There is an opportunity to make comment on the submissions that were made late last year, a process known as making a further submission. You cannot make a further submission that raises new points or seeks changes to something that has not already been raised. However, you can make a submission either supporting or opposing a point raised by another person.

For instance, if someone sought that residential zones should allow for smaller section sizes, and you are concerned that the district’s townships appear too cramped, you might make a submission opposing this point. Equally you might agree that more intensive development is required to ensure we are not using up rural zoned land for development, in which case you might make a submission supporting the submission.

Alternatively, someone might have made a submission to rezone a piece of land for residential purposes on the edge of town, and you may have a view as to if this is a good or bad idea. By making a submission you have the opportunity to support the proposed rezoning, which is more likely to result in it being rezoned. Otherwise, you might oppose the rezoning, setting out why you don’t agree with expansion of the township in this direction.

The rules of the district plan manage subdivisions and zoning of land for residential, commercial and rural purposes and also the way we use our land that might affect others in the community. Land use rules include what level of noise can be generated, where buildings are placed on a property in relation to road boundaries or neighbors’ boundaries, and what activities can occur on land.

Given the wide ambit of activities that are managed through the District Plan, any changes to a district plan are likely to affect most land or business owners at some stage over the next ten years (the timeframe to another district plan review). Therefore, if someone has suggested an idea through the submission process that you strongly agree with, or vehemently disagree with, don’t be concerned. You still have an opportunity to jump into the public participation process.

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